Monday, September 04, 2006

Yesterday, I talked to my dear twin, Betty, in the morning, then picked up good friend Leslie and we went to the cemetery. I brought some pink roses and carnations, putting one on Pat's sister's grave across from Jay. It was sad, of course--it's been two years--but the sun shone and the skies were blue. Besides the sadness, there was a strong feeling of sweet peace there.
Later, we went to Alison's for a cookout and had great fun. Joel, Jen, and Joely were there, as well as Mike's son, Rob, his wife, Lisa, and their 2- and 3-year-olds, Lindsay and Lucas. We had buffalo and beef burgers, several salads, sun iced tea, and the rest of Donna's cheesecake for dessert. We always have a wonderful time at Alison's.
Today, I went back to St. James to continue the photo project. What a job! I've gotten most of it done reasonably well, but want to put some of the older pictures (graduation, etc.) in frames, as I think they should be put in the halls; Sister agreed. Went to Michael's (craft store) and got poster frames for some of the bigger ones, then to the dollar store for frames for the others. I've now spent $72 on this, which naturally, I'll donate to the school, but hey! I have to call a halt soon.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...