Thursday, September 14, 2006

As it turned out, Pat's "vein test" for yesterday was postponed to next Wednesday. Confusion reigns at this vascular surgeon's office, as he had the second test scheduled for then. Oh, the hell with it, we'll just go; it's an ultra-sound, so shouldn't be too big a deal.
Slow day yesterday. Talked to Betty in the morning, then took a blanket and bedspread to the Laundromat--they're king-sized and I think may be too big for our washer--and they came out great. I put them in the cedar chest, as I have a quilt on the bed now.
E-mailed back and forth to Celeste at St. James. Think I'll go in to "finish up" (I keep saying that and there always seems to be something else to "finish") tomorrow and Saturday.
After Pat went to the bay, I just puttered around, then fell sound asleep on the couch until he came in and woke me at 5:20. I had hot dogs and beans in the crockpot, so just served him at 6:00, as I had had a late lunch and indulged in cookies, so wasn't hungry. Took a shower while Pat ate.
Today, I'm meeting Mary Ann V. for lunch. Her husband has emphysema, also and it will be satisfying to compare notes. However, Bart doesn't have the host of other ailments Pat does.


Anonymous said...

WOW! You took a blanket AND a bedspread (king-sized no less) to the laundromat!! Exciting. DO tell more.

I'm sure your audience (what is the singular of audience?) anyway... is riveted!


ANON in Hong Kong

Mimi said...

Yes, that was a momentous occasion and I knew my legions of readers would be enthralled.
Hong Kong? I thought you and P. were on vacation in Thailand--what gives?

Anonymous said...

Just arrived back in Singapore. Here for the weekend then back to HK, and will be in Beijing on Wednesday, fly to Singapore Thursday and we go that night to Thailand for vacation.



I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...