Sunday, December 10, 2017


Unbelievable! I  had this whole entry typed, pressed something--not sure what--and it disappeared. Damn!
All right, I'll recap Saturday activities briefly:
Drove to Kimball, as I didn't want to skip any more. Found my usual route blocked, but approximated it in another direction. Reason it was blocked was because a large number of electric company trucks, plus other machinery, other vehicles, and a large tent had been erected there. It must be the staging area for part of the fire battle.
Went to WinCo and other places for various. Ellen called while I was in the parking lot; she and Greg were on their way home, so I hope that's the end of the fire--as it impacts us, anyway.
After lunch, I did the museum to library walk. More stores and restaurants open and more people on the street. Some wore masks, but I didn't feel the need, although it was slightly smokier than where  I live.
Called Nancy before I left to check on things in Oakview. They're okay, but air bad; she said DIL Erin will go back to work today.
Stopped at Don's when I got home to see if he wanted to make twenty bucks by driving me to the train station on Friday. He happily agreed--he's on a very tight budget--and I'm pleased to give it to him instead of Uber.
Just as I finished dinner, Suzanne rang my bell. They had had a holiday luncheon at St. John's and there were leftovers--did I want to come to dinner tonight (Sunday) and share them?  Sure thing, and I said I'd bring dessert. Actually, I had intended to make a fruit compote for the potluck tonight at Dudley House--I'm a greeter this morning--but decided I'd rather eat with Suzanne.
Got a nice, concerned e-mail from Ray and Barbara H., my friends from Sunrise Bay. They were concerned about the fires, of course. I'll write them back now.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...