Saturday, December 16, 2017

Goodbye, SCAN

Walked Kimball, came home to change, and went to T.O.P.S. Everybody was surprised to see me, as they had known I had planned to go to Alameda. Was down a tiny bit--about the same as yesterday--and that was okay.  I was horrified to hear that Cheryl, who has been in the group as long as I have, lost her  home in the fire. She had a picture of it, and it was just a smoldering ruin except for the chimney.  The house was way up in the hills--large, expensive homes with beautiful views--and most of her neighbors' homes, burned, too.  Luckily, Cheryl and her husband own a duplex on the beach and they were able to move there. However, they were able to salvage almost nothing.
While we were talking, Carolyn, another member, tried to give Cheryl a twenty dollar bill.  With thanks, she refused to take it and I mentioned the drive for the children--these are poor children--in Ellen's school, many of whom were made homeless in the fire, so Carolyn gave it to me.  So nice of her.
The meeting meandered, as usual. We voted on meeting at the library branch downtown--yes, and we'll pay a buck a week to secure it. We won't meet there, however, until January. SCAN had a buffet lunch as a sendoff, as this was their last day (sob!). I stayed with everybody else for it, but it started at 11:00 o'clock, two hours earlier than I have lunch, so I just chalked it up as breakfast. It wasn't that great, anyway--catered by El Pollo Loco and included tacos. I just had salad and a piece of chicken.
Home, I had lunch at the usual time, then went to town. The smoke seem lighter this time.  Stopped at Kohl's to look for Christmas presents. It was jammed and as I do every damn year, I kicked myself for waiting so long.
Must pack today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...