Sunday, September 04, 2016

Nice One

Got up at 5:30, a little earlier than I like, but I was rested. Walked Kimball and after breakfast, did some straightening up. Called Betty, as this is the anniversary of her son, Jay's death--and after a few tears, caught up on everyday doings with each other. I hope that storm isn't too tough on Absecon Island.
Revised my course flyer and took it to the library to see if they'd allow it in their handout area. Lori, the branch manager, whom I know and who is a very nice person, regretfully said no, as they kept only non-profit info. I pointed out that they had a flyer from an acting company which charged admission, but there was some reason why that was allowed. I thanked her and left.
Actually, I'm not upset about it. I honestly won't mind if I don't get any participants; I have plenty of other enjoyable things to do.
I was just finished lunch when El called. She has a cold and actually called in sick with it on Friday--very unusual for her. She wanted to go into school to prepare for Tuesday and asked if I might want to go with her. Sure, I would, and I did. She cleared up a lot of stuff and I helped. I love being with her and in her classroom. We were there about two hours and got lots done. By that time, it was 5:00 pm and I left for home. Got in to find a message from niece Carolyn; called her back and we had a good chat.
Nice day in every way and I enjoyed it.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...