Friday, September 16, 2016

Moving One

I guess I could have walked yesterday--I was up at 6:15--but I skipped it, figuring I'd get plenty of exercise--and boy, did I.
I wanted to get to my new place early to get all my ducks in a row with Ventura Del Sol, so I was there at 8:30. Jim was somewhere else, so Patti went over all the documents which we discussed and signed. I handed over the first month's check and Patti then took me over to the place to show and explain this, that, and the other. I knew most of it, but was still pleased to see the new appliances, fixtures, paint, and carpet. There are a few items that I have at Colony Parc I won't here; for instance, the refrig doesn't have an automatic ice maker, but I'll just buy a few more ice cube trays and periodically expel them into a container. There is a double sink and garbage disposal, but there's no spray attachment. There are a few other items I would have preferred, but they're all minor and certainly, the assets outweigh the liabilities.
Went home and had breakfast, then called Sue. She got here about 11:00 and we commenced loading up our cars--she has a spacious Cruiser--then drove over to leave the stuff off. We went back and forth many times and it took us a good three hours, but boy, did we get a lot in. Sue has a terrific hand truck, not the big, heavy, and rigid old-fashioned kind, but one that quickly folds and collapses. She insisted on lending it to me for the weekend when El and I finish off the small stuff. We got most that I had packed in by about 2:00 and I told Sue I wanted to take her to lunch, but she wasn't hungry and asked if we could make it another time. Sure, and we will. After she left, I packed up the two table lamps from the living room and took them over, as well as my doll, Linda (who's older than Sue), and her trunk. Tomorrow, I want to go back and put things away, as far as I can.
I had to get out--and out from under moving chores--so I drove up Foothill Road and stopped at Ellen's school. It was after 4:00, but she (and evidently, a lot of other teachers) were still there preparing for Friday and next week. We chatted for a bit, then I left. Stopped at Smart & Final and picked up mixed nuts and ice cream, so shoot me. I worked my little boodie off all day and I deserve a treat. Hey, it's not booze, anyway.

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