Sunday, September 18, 2016

Moving and Meds

My sloppy, lazy, naughty self tried to argue me out of it, but virtuous Mimi won out and I walked Kimball. El got here, as promised, at 10:30, bringing boxes, and we proceeded to fill a lot of them, pack up the cars, and go off to VDS.
She loves the place--well, it is all newly renovated, including carpet, appliance, paint, and fixtures, and it does look nice. The woman next door was on her patio reading and we introduced ourselves. Her name is Suzanne, she's probably in her sixties--maybe older--and seems very pleasant and refined. She's lived here 15 years, which is a good recommendation, it seems.
I was concerned over the shower fittings. At Colony Parc, my shower is equipped with grab bars--in fact, the apartment has some other accommodations for the disabled, I guess, for instance, doorways wide enough for a wheelchair. I definitely feel more secure with grab bars, so we went to Bed 'N' Bath and got one with a very powerful suction. We put it in--or on--and it works fine, but I may get another for the other end.
Finished up for the time being, we went to lunch--very enjoyable, especially with a schooner of Blue Moon. We went back to pick up most of the clothes in my closet--I don't think I'll need them before Monday and have others in my bureau. El went with me to deliver them, then left for home about 4:00. I stopped to buy more packing tape, then called it a (moving) day.
A snag: I was in my pj's and ready for bed as usual at 9:00. Went to take my medications (mostly for BP) and realized I must have already taken them to the new place. I considered getting dressed and going back for them, but I was too tired. Got to sleep, but woke up at 2 am and had a hard time getting back. I finally did and feel pretty much okay now (6:55 am).

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...