Sunday, August 28, 2016


Walked Kimball. After breakfast, I did some pre-packing chores. My method is to crumble up newspaper and toss in a box, so it's ready when I start to actually pack. Wrapped in bubble wrap and packed a few pictures. Ellen called and we made a date for lunch today.
Went to the library, then to Smart & Final for provisions. It occurred to me that this area is now actually my place because I ran into two people I know at the supermarket. One was Donna, who's in the widder group and is the daughter of Joe La Rocca, the 91-year-old graduate of Rider and resident of The Townehouse. Joe wants to have a little get-together for his pals (he has a nice cottage on the grounds), but Donna said the last time he did, he invited 30 people. She put her foot down and he promised he'd ask no more than twelve.
A few minutes after I left Donna in the produce section, I saw Sheila Lowe, the hand-writing expert and author, in bread and rolls. She remembered me, as I had kept vigil with her for domestic violence victims not long ago. She had a book-signing for her latest, Outside the Lines. (All her books have punny titles: Last Writes, Poison Pen, Written in Blood, and so on.) She said about eighty people were at the signing. Wish I could have been, but I had another commitment. One of these days, I'll buy one of her books and read it.
I called two moving companies and got quotes by the hour. I figure on roughly $600 for that and other moving expenses, and possibly more, but I'm okay with it. Called Humana for more drugs--I'm not sure if they'll send automatically or not--but their computers were down; will call later.
Went to Ventura Pictures to get the name of the guy who hung my large A.C. photos; couldn't remember. Got his card--it's Ryan Haslam--and will call him Monday. Called J.C. Penney's to have a new card sent--I lost my old one--and it was a great hassle due to their cockamamie phone system, but I finally did it.
Went to Target just to look at various and saw a small microwave on sale. Looks good and I bought it. It's small, which I want and don't want it for anything but to heat things up. Plus, it's white and it was so inexpensive, even if it conks out after a year or two, it's worth. Put it in my trunk, where it will rest until I get into VDS.
Back home, I saw Megan, the nurse practitioner who leaves tomorrow for her new job in Arizona. She was with a friend, Nate, who said he had just moved into Ventura Del Sol. Seemed like a nice guy. Found a message on the cell from my Suffern, NY niece, Joan; she called just to say hello and I'll get back to her. I don't always have my cell with me (or don't hear it), so I'll tell it's better to use the landline. However, Time Warner doesn't operate in VDS for some reason, so I guess I'll have to use Communications, Inc. and won't have my same number. Come to think of it, maybe I should just get a smart phone and use that exclusively. Hmm...

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...