Tuesday, August 30, 2016


As I often peevishly remark, "Why aren't I skinny as a rail?" After all, I've been very busy; after my walk and breakfast, I dived into paper/computer work and didn't let up until 1:00 I should take care of stuff as it comes in, but rarely do. Instead, I wait for an open day, then try to do all at once.
Well, I succeeded to an extent. Called two moving companies, Humana, SoCal electric, Time Warner, Ventura Del Sol, and others. Got a lot of stuff straightened out, changed, and so on, but this one was a problem: the new lease my tenant wants. According to R.E. rep, Walter, we really don't need one, since there are no changes. However, Eileen would like to have one and I can understand that, as theoretically, I guess I could give her 30 days to vacate. Problem was, the original lease I have is so faint as to be almost unreadable. When I tried copying the first page, it actually was unreadable. It came from Pacesetter Realty in Toms River, so I called them to see if I could get a better copy. 'Fraid not, as year-old leases are stored in Upper Gipip or somewhere and it would take up to three months to retrieve it. Woman suggested I try a copier, at the library, say, which could make it darker. Drove there and was told their two-bit copy machine didn't darken. Went to Office Depot and happily, they were able to make it dark enough for a buck forty. While there, I happened to see--on sale!--a collapsible cart thing, which I bought. I know it'll come in handy when I move.
Stopped at Triple A to ask them to explain why my premium went up and found it's because I drove more. Since one reports one's own milage every year, what's to prevent me from shaving some off? Nothing, I guess, but that's just too tackily weird even for me.
The September issue of The Silver Tsunami came out and I was pleased to see the blurb for my acting class on the front page. I wasn't so pleased that the fact participants don't have to memorize or have unassisted mobility wasn't mentioned. The course should also be listed more fully in the My Ventura magazine; not sure if it's out yet.
My niece, Joan, called and we had a nice chat. Joan and her husband are in their sixties, but are anticipating their first grandchild in October. They just moved from Suffern to a Manhattan apartment three blocks away from Central Park. Nice.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...