Saturday, August 06, 2016


Ran over to T.O.P.S. just to get weighed in. I had gained a fourth of a pound, which I consider insignificant, so shrugged it off. Didn't stay for the meeting because I was waiting to get the call to pick up Ellen (she had had a common medical procedure). That came on schedule just as I was finishing breakfast and I went and got her. As with almost everyplace I have to go in Ventura, this was conveniently near by. My pal, Nancy, called to see if I was free for lunch, but because of the pickup, we instead, made a date for today.
I was pleased to get in the mail, the book Audition, which Pat R. had recommended. My students probably won't be auditioning for anything soon, but it's still very good. Started reading it and found some of it will be useful for the class. Thanks for the tip, Pat!
El is fine--no problem--and we went afterward to the Hill Street Cafe. She was hungry, of course, and got a yummy looking chicken salad on a croissant, but I had eaten a short time before and just had a beer and a few crackers. Took her home and, as I learned later, she immediately crashed into bed and slept for several hours--good.
Did some paperwork--computer work--then went to the library. From there, I drove the few blocks to municipal parking, then strolled around to a few stores. Bought nothing except a small, two-dollar container thing that some of my toiletries (fancy old name!) fit in.
El called in the evening and happily, is over the procedure.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...