Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Walked the Kimball. As I was leaving for the park, I was surprised to see boxes and a moving person at my neighbor's door. I had met Laurie, but had spoken to her only now and then. Her apartment is exactly like mine, but reversed, so is very small.
Laurie came out and told me she was moving to L.A., where she had gotten a job in the publicity department of--somewhere. She's nice enough, but had allowed her patio to become a mess. I wished her good luck, and was glad I hadn't pursued my complaint about the patio. I hope the new person is okay--since the apartment is so small, assume it will be only one person.
Scrubbed the oven parts and cleaned up a bit otherwise, watered the flowers, which are thriving in the California sun and went to various places to see if I could find Beyond Burgers. These are vegan, but supposed to be as close to beef in taste and texture as can be. Couldn't find them, so I'll see if Whole Foods has them. Bought Aleve, wipes for my dozen glasses, and other stuff.
Ellen called to say Mike had told her their plans for today: Plane will arrive at L.A. at 11:45. He'll rent a car, then drive here and check into the hotel. El invited them (and me, of course) for dinner, so I'll go over her place about 4:30. Unfortunately, Gregg probably won't be there, as his son didn't leave for the north as he was going to, but probably will tomorrow, so Greg's went up to Santa Barbara.
Ran out to Michael's to get Violet, the big eight-year-old, a gift and card. I wonder if we should have a cake, although she had one on her actual birthday at Uncle Andy's in Denver. I'll see what El thinks.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...