Friday, July 29, 2016

Gray Law and the Rent

Went to the program at SCAN conducted by a "gray law" attorney. The session was very informative and the speaker really good. Topics covered included advance directives, wills, and so on, as well as touching on elder abuse and so on. I liked this guy and am thinking about calling him for a consultation.
Called Amanda, my hair stylist (that sounds so grandiose!) to see if she could fit me in either yesterday or today. My hair looked terrible--the color growing out and it was getting shaggy. I was able to get a 3:30 appointment for the hair. She did a pretty good job, although I probably should have had a little more taken off, but it is, of course, a great improvement.
I'm planning to go to the wine and cheese soiree at The Townehouse today. Will stop at the Ventura Adult Center first to get a few copies of the August Silver Tsunami to give Anne H., the activities director at The Townehouse. I was pleased that she had suggested my acting class give a performance at the facility; hope that works out.
Along with the other residents of Colony Parc, I got a notice to the effect that all units would be equipped with washers and dryers. Went to the office with two questions: 1. Where would they be installed in this miniscule apartment and 2. Would there be a rise in rent? Answers: 1. In the second closet on the patio and 2. Oh, pul-lease! Could that be anything but a dumb head query? Of course the rent will go up! By how much? The manager wasn't exactly sure yet, but, she said, figure between seventy and one twenty a month.
Okay, that was easy. I'll be moving to Ventura Del Sol in September.

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