Thursday, July 28, 2016

Picnic and Pool

A good, varied day. Met Sue at the BCCC picnic at Oxnard State Park. Boy, what a beautiful place that is: A very large (acres) swath of greenery, the usual palm trees and other foliage, broad walks and gentle hills sloping down to a wide beach and the lovely Pacific. The food was catered and very good: skewers of grilled vegetable chunks, potato salad, green beans with a bacon dressing, chicken, and delicious roast beef, along with iced tea, lemonade, and cookies.
After we ate, Sue and I walked down to the water, a fair distance, and back, then chatted for a bit. Actually, she delivered a dissertation on seagulls and I mostly listened. She also showed me a letter she had written to the CEO of Community Memorial Hospital, where the cardiologist had kept her waiting for hours. He then let her know how important he was compared to her. I thought the letter was well done, straightforward and not emotional.
We left about 3:00 and I went to the library in town. When I got home, I impulsively changed into my swimsuit and went the short distance to the front pool. It was just delightful and I met a visiting woman from Indiana and her daughter and had a nice conversation. Got a little chilly after an hour or so, so I switched to the hot tub. That made my knee, which has been sore, feel wonderful.
Went home to shower and change. Got a call from Betty, who's back in Jersey. All through the day and up to now, I'm delighted I've had no recurrence of stomach pain--or any other discomfort, for that matter.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...