Thursday, June 30, 2016

Touching Base With Friends

Did the Kimball walk, as usual.
Called Doris and we chatted; I'll see her tomorrow at The Townhomes wine and music thing. She mentioned that Carole's birthday is coming up and asked if I'd like to go in with her to take her dinner. Sure thing and we'll set a date later.
Talked to another Carole: Wimberg Cadora, that is, and we settled on me visiting her from the fifth to the seventh, Tuesday to Thursday. I'll take the train to San Juan Capistrano and she'll pick me up there. Should be fun with my young (several years younger than I am, that is, so a mere kid) and slightly-kooky-but-in-a-good-way friend.
Talked to Sue Sailboat and was concerned to hear she had spent the night in the hospital a few days ago. During one of Dr. Wordling's SCAN lectures, we had seen a video on "Heart Attacks in Women" and darned if she didn't seem to have the symptoms. They included pain under her left breast, which she referred to as "angina," but her heart seemed okay. (I'm not sure if that term properly denotes pain from a heart attack only, or not.) She does have to see a cardiologist, so there must be some concern. Sue says she'd like to lose ten pounds, but I don't know from where, as she's certainly not overweight (all that hard physical work on the board is good for the bod). She's tall (now five ten--says she was closer to six feet when younger) and big-boned; she makes me think of the word "statuesque." She's only 69--talk about your kid!
Called El in a tizzy because my computer was acting up. I was able to bring it back to life, though, and she and I chatted. As she's been suggesting, I'm leaning toward getting a laptop.
I'm to meet the Ventura Breeze reporter today at 11:30 at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, so that'll be interesting. Unfortunately, I passed a very restless night; not sure why. Think I'll forego the walk, as I feel draggy.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...