Monday, June 27, 2016

Mimosas and Me

A good, fun day. Drove to Kimball and walked the walk. Did this and that after breakfast, then to El's at noon. We went to the Hill Street Cafe again (hope this will be a weekly habit) and I enjoyed the free mimosas. The server brings a full (slim) glass of champagne, along with a little pitcher of orange juice. After a swallow or two of the bubbly, you pour in the O.J., and enjoy. What gets me is that the wait staff comes around often to refill--and the mimosas are free when you order from a certain area of the menu. Last week and yesterday, I got the eggs benedict, which come exactly the way I like them: only slightly jelled whites and barely cooked yolks. (El wrinkled her nose, but to me, they were perfect.)
After, we went to Orchard Lane to look at a house for sale. This is a gated community and we had some difficulty finding the r.e. agent, but finally did. The place isn't bad--nice fireplace, attractive patio and so on--but really, Ellen's present house is nicer. Just for curiosity's sake, we also looked at one around the corner from her and similar, but it was smaller and neither of us liked it very much.
After that, we spent several hours cleaning El's patio. "We?" Okay, she did 99 percent of the work and I kept her company. She washed down the glass-topped table and the chairs, dragged the huge potted plant to the other side, moved all the other plants and another table, then swept and hosed down the concrete part. Anyway, it was a lot of work, but on that lovely day, warm and sunny, but with a nice breeze, we both enjoyed it. Got home about six and realized the Eggs Benedict and Mimosas had satisfied me so much, I didn't want dinner, so I skipped it.

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