Monday, June 06, 2016

A Bike and a Bite

Did my Sunday rituals, then thought I'd run up to Staples before I was due at Ellen's at noon. Did so, got a little notebook, then started back in plenty of time. However, I took Telegraph Road and there was a long, long delay. I thought it was because of the big weekend flea market they have on the Ventura College campus, but I sat and sat, then saw there was an accident up ahead. Finally got there, but was a half hour late, almost unheard of for chronically early me. However, neither of us was in a rush, so we laughed about it.
El showed me her spiffy new bike; she and Greg had taken a ride together that morning. It's just beautiful in seafoam, very light, but well equipped. I was intrigued by the basket; it's the same color as the bike and is removable--great idea! I took a few pictures of her on the bike, then we set off for Oxnard.
Greg had given me a gift card for the Yard House Restaurant and we went there. I got Ahi the way I like it: more or less raw except for searing on the outside. It came on a delicious salad; really good. I was delighted that they had Blue Moon on draft and, of course, ordered that, too. Yum and yum-yum.
We talked and laughed and laughed and talked--so good to be with Ellen. I asked if her if she'd like to go to the Elite Theatre this Saturday; my "friend" (sort of) Anna D. is appearing in Open Meeting Closed . El took me up on it and also agreed to take me back and forth to the train station on Thursday.
After, we stopped over at Whole Foods to say hello to Greg, then drove back to Ventura to a specialty shoe store, where El got the shoes she likes for school.
We sat for a bit on her patio with iced tea, then said goodbye.
Delicious day with my darling daughter.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...