Sunday, April 10, 2016

Rain and Vitamin D

We actually got a pretty good rain for a half hour or so, after drizzle.
Went back and forth to various places for various items. Cut up onions, sweet peppers, and garlic for one of my favorite stir-fries, which I'll combine with hamburger for dinner tonight. Brother Frank called and said he's decided not to come to this area next week after all. He and Marybeth were invited to a wedding on the beach and what with the long, long trip here, plus the stress and strain of Marybeth's frailties, it's just too much. I understand, but was sorry to hear it.
Got a letter from my primary to the effect my vitamin D is low; she wants me to take 1000 U everyday. Why would this be? Don't know, but the letter directed me to an informative web site. I'll check.
Ran the dishwasher, tidied up here and there, bought longer sheers to replace the 63 inch ones for the closet. My friend e-mailed that her wares are now in a small store in the town where she lives in New Mexico. She sent me pictures of her setup and it looks properly rustic. I called her, as Polly has asked if she had a web site. She said not yet, but soon.
Also talked to El. She and Greg had gone up to Santa Barbara yesterday, as his brother and family were in town.
Not much else going on.

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...