Sunday, April 17, 2016

Books and Ellen

Drove over to the shopping center at Victoria and Telegraph where the library book sale was going on. Saw Carol, who was pleased I had come. I picked up several books that interested me to a point--but didn't really set my heart racing. Added five scripts from Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest, with an eye toward possibly using some of it my acting class. The books were two bucks a bag and I could have added several more, but there just weren't any I wanted enough to carry home. When I went to pay, I fell into conversation with a very nice woman who suggested I might want to join Friends of the Ventura Library. I took a flyer and might do that; after all, I have experience, as I was a Friend of the Little Egg Harbor Library for years (that and a dime will get you a cup of coffee).
Went home, had lunch, then Ellen called, asking if I'd like to go with her to school. Her students were to do a test on the laptops, and she wanted to get them out of the--sort of--safe they were in and have them ready on the desks. Sure, I would like to go with her.
Drove to her place and we went off. El let me read some of the narratives she had told me about the other day and I got a great charge out of them. The children wrote them out--printed, actually--then typed them on the lap tops. Very different from third grade at St. James, but the basics remain the same.
After that, we drove down (up? sideways? I have no sense of direction) to Santa Paula to look around. It was very warm, surely 80 or above, although here, of course, there's little humidity, so it was enjoyable. Stopped at Starbucks for mango iced tea--very refreshing.
Back at El's, we sat in her patio and chatted for an hour or so, then I said goodbye. I love days like this so much--casual, low-key, and with my daughter.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...