Thursday, April 14, 2016

End of Life and Continuing Life

It turned out to be a pretty good day. I called Nancy in the morning to invite her to a program next week at the Ventura Museum called "On Location: The History of Hollywood in Ventura," and she accepted with pleasure. It's from 1:00 to 2:30 and we'll go to lunch after.
At 10:30, I went to a seminar at The Lexington Assisted Living on advanced directives, plus instructions to the doctor at the end of life. I already have an AD, but it's from Jersey and is seven years old. Pat and I did them sometime before he died. I'm pretty sure it's valid here, but I think it would be a good idea for me to get a new one in California. It's funny how casual everybody is about these matters--healthier than in the past, when it seems to me, such a topic was taboo.
After the talk, I joined a tour of the assisted living facility. It's pretty standard, but older than many others I've seen and a bit less spiffy, I guess. The studio rooms were pretty small and the whole place, 25 years old, seemed to be a kind of throwback compared, for instance, to Bonaventure, which is state of the art. However, while the latter has lovely views and grounds, I think I'd prefer a location closer to shops and so on. Well, I'm not ready to move, anyway, but I like to see them.
Of course, the lunch was also a draw--lasagna, salad, and Pepsi, so pretty basic, but we ate on an open porch, which I enjoyed. Met some nice people, including another attendee named Carol, who asked me about myself. When I told her I'd be teaching an acting course, she was very interested. She and her friend invited me to SCAN, which is very near me, for talks and discussion about various topics for elders. That's tomorrow and they said they'd save me a seat at their table. I'm going to bring info on my course; it won't start until September, but I want to get as much interest in it as possible here and there. I announced to at my widder group, of course, (and dinner with them is coming up on Monday) and will hand out flyers a few weeks ahead of registration. If there's anything I've learned from conducting such programs, it's that you have to spread the word yourself, no matter how many "official" documents include it.
I didn't leave until 2:30 and immediately drove to Poli Park to get my 20 minutes of sunshine. I took my new chair out of the trunk, set it up on the grass, and sat. Unfortunately, it was overcast--very unusual for here--and I'm not sure just how much vitamin D filtered through, but I figured I got some.
Home, I took wash to the place, met up with little Gabby again and we chatted. "Gabby" is for her given name "Gabrielle," but it could easily refer to a certain attribute of hers. Yep, she's a talker.
When I picked up my mail, I found the pretty new necklace my friend made and sent me. It's on a dark background and features a wave in shades of blue, plus white. I like it so much and called to tell her so. I know exactly what I want to wear it with, too.
Today, I have my last session with Diana, the PT. BTW, I didn't take the Aleve today and had no trouble with my knee. I'm glad about that, as I'm uneasy about the medication, especially taking it every day. I'll see if symptoms return, in which case I'll resume, but want to wait and see.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...