Thursday, March 31, 2016


Got up at 5:30, which is just a little too early, but no prob; that used to be my regular time. Poured my coffee, did the blog, and made up a few more flyers for the yard sale. I left at 7:45 to go feed Sebastian; had breakfast when I got back. I was determined to drive to Oxnard to a few furniture;re stores, hoping to actually see a bureau, rather than have to order unseen on-line. Made it okay, but found nothing I wanted.
After lunch, I went back to El's because I noticed her recyle bin hadn't been emptied. It was supposed to be done yesterday along with the trash bin, so I had left it outside. However, it was still not emptied, so I put it in the fenced patio.
Stopped for some containers and a few things from the 99 cent store. Mary H. had sent another e-mail listing the times for Desi's viewing and funeral. As used to be more common, the former will be Friday (afternoon and evening), the latter on Saturday at St. Theresa's, 10 am. I know it will be jammed, as he was very well known in the area, not only for theatre, but as a very active parishioner. Mary, that sweet person, also sent the name and address of Desi's daughter, so those who want to cane send cards. I will certainly send her a note and one to Mary and Jim, too.
I had enjoyed leftovers from El's Easter dinner for two evenings, but there wasn't any more. I made a large salad, then decided to have the kind of stuff most people put on pasta or rice. Chopped up a big onion, green pepper, and garlic; sauteed that while I browned hamburger. Put it together and boy, it was good. I have enough for today, too.
El called just as I was finishing. They were in Santa Barbara at Greg's mother's. She said Sebastian wouldn't starve before they got home, but I said I'd go over and feed him anyway and I did. Later, El called again and we chatted again. She's going to a brunch today and I'm going to lunch at the Center, then the PT at 4:15.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...