Friday, March 04, 2016

Ponzi and Pizza

Spent the morning digging out and categorizing income tax info. After lunch, I continued, but then realized I'm not seeing the accountant until 3:00 today, so I could defer some. Shortly, I'll finish up, I hope.
I know it's not good for me to be so sedentary--I need to walk, the more the better. Otherwise, I find it hard to sleep well, for one thing. Drove to the supermarket for a few items and purposely walked around the store for about fifteen minutes, then took my stuff home.
Decided to go to the library, although it was after 5:00 by then. They're open until 8:00 from Monday to Thursday and until 7:00 Friday and Saturday; yes, they open on Sunday, too, until 5:00, which I appreciate. Chatted with Lori, the branch manager, who now recognizes me, then browsed the books. Got a bio of Moss Hart (years ago, I read his auto- and I wanted to get a different perspective). Also picked up The Wizard of Lies, a very thick book and no wonder: It's a full account of Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme. When the news broke, I was fascinated by it--not sure why, although I guess it was the mystery of how he got so many astute, intelligent clients to fall for it for so long. Started reading and I'm already fascinated. I know nothing about high finance and sure as Hell don't deal in it, but this is also about people and it's enthralling.
I finally ate the last "meal" in my freezer, a pepperoni pizza. It was so-so, to put it kindly. Aside from veggies and ice pops and the lemon pepper chicken I added recently, that was it for eating down.


iloveac said...

Have fun restocking your fridge.

Mimi said...

I'm so looking forward to it! Bet you knew that.


Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...