Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Diana Out, K.s In

Well, I'm finished with Diana. After being pulled in by four books about her life and death, I've met her and found she's an awful bore. She's childish, poorly educated, and obsessed with looks and sex--not a thoughtful bone in her body, so ho-hum.
Now I've taken up the Kennedys once again (I delve into them every decade or so). At this point, the sterile, bland, cooked-up-in-the-p.r.-department phony "news" is giving way--as far as I can see, anyway--to some actual truths. I'm reading Grace and Power, a long, thick book (just the way I like them) that concerns both Jack and Jackie. I also came across at the library--and this is thoroughly absorbing--the interviews Jackie did with Arthur Schlesinger four months after the assassination: Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life With John F Kennedy. The large container includes the interviews both on disc and transcribed. I'm listening in the car (not sure if I'll read them later) and what a added dimension it brings to that whole era.
Of course, much more exciting than all that are my day-to-day activities--NOT! Yesterday, I got up a little after 6:00, following my usual routine, then went off to feed Sebastian. Did so, then went home, and sent the listing for our big garage sale to the paper. Gave my credit card info and got a receipt. Sent El a copy of that and the flyer I had done. She called from San Luis Obispo, said they were having a nice time, and might be taking a hike later.
I decided to drive to Camarillo and get the garage sale freebies the Ventura Star gives out when people advertise. After my usual misadventures on the road, I got there and back, escaping the 101 once more. I stopped at El's again to bring her trash can inside the fence.
Had lunch, went to Winco, then went back to El's to give kitty his dinner. Got home and received a call from Jeanne Dollard Pointer, who contacts me every few months or so. She's in Florida at the moment and, as ever, we can say anything at all and giggle about this and that. Neither of us is shocked or disgusted by our talk, so it's refreshing.

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...