Saturday, December 26, 2015


Had a quiet, but very enjoyable, Christmas Day. Got to El's by 11:00, and we three sat down to open presents. I got some much appreciated gifts from Ellen and Greg and they were pleased with their presents. It's quite a relief in the present day to realize you don't have to spend huge amounts to show how much to care about others. We were interrupted by a Skype call from Lake Tahoe, where the snow was still coming down in beautiful, but sinister abundance. The girls were whirling around, their usual mode, all excited about their "big" gifts: the smartest of new smart phones for 7-year-old Violet and an Apple watch for 11-year-old Vivian. (My second sentence above doesn't exactly apply to Mike and Paula.)
Mike himself was given (gasp! unbelievable!) an adult skate board. While we were talking to the girls in the foreground, he glided back and forth in the back. This is a formidable board, I think designed for adults--those with a screw loose. Mike was a good skate boarder as a boy and teen, but hey, now he's on the cusp of fifty and, really, is this the best idea since pumpernickel?
Oh, well, we're looking forward with great anticipation to seeing them soon, and the rest of the brood (except for those in the far east) soon.
Greg was a bit under the weather with a sinus headache, so El and I went to Ojai together. We went to Libby park and walked around a bit; there's a new small amphitheater there that we explored approvingly. However, it was really chilly and the wind was fierce--weather conditions reversed from the east coast, it seems--and we didn't stay outside long. We looked at some mobile home communities--I still marvel at how expensive they are, considering the actual cost and the "space rent"--then drove home.
Greg was making a delicious miso soup when we got in, and Ellen prepared leftovers from our turkey feast the night before, so that was dinner and it was so good. El and I then went out to view the Christmas lights, which is a ritual with us, I guess. They were suitably bright and pretty; I always enjoy that.
Got up with a call from my friend. She and her husband are on the road from NM--can't wait to see them tomorrow or Monday.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...