Monday, December 28, 2015

A Lull and Dull, But Picked Up Later (Plus a Medical Update)

Still a lull and then somewhat dull. I stayed in and did more tidying up and stuff. Called and ordered the bookcase I wanted from Mayfair. Wouldn't you know, I didn't order when it was on sale and even after negotiating with the rep, I'm paying twenty bucks more. Talked to El, who was out getting ingredients for turkey soup. Called my friend, who had sent me eleven texts, which I didn't get because my cell phone was in my pocketbook and I couldn't hear it. My left ear is still inoperable. Called Betty twice and left messages; even texted her.
Things picked up later in the day. Betty got back to me and we agreed we'd just play the getting together stuff by ear. We each said we'd just do what our kids come up with. Took the tablecloth back to B, B & B and got a different size; happily, it fits fine and looks nice. Now I need to find a fabric store that will cut the pad down for me.
I sliced down the leftover pork roast for dinner, and added Ellen's stuffing and gravy; very tasty. After, I went into town to drop a book off at the library and, of course, came back the scenic route on Poli Street. Took some pictures; I wish they did justice to the beauty there.
Got home to find a message from my friend, telling me they were three or four hours from their destination (which is on the other side of Santa Barbara, about an hour from me) and she'd call me tomorrow morning. YAY! Can't wait to see her!
UPDATE and background for the following saga:
I got a call, I think on December 23rd, from the medical assistant at Primary Medical. She conveyed he message from my doctor that my anemia is--can't remember if she said "much improved," "much better," or something else, but I could have told them that. She then said, "And you're taking iron every day, right?" NO, not right; I was never told to take iron that I remember. The assistant--whose name, incidentally, is Becky Wade (why does that suggest a teenager in the deep South who already has two kids?) said she'd find out the dosage and get back to me, but so far, hasn't. If she doesn't call by the day after Christmas, I guess I'll call them and tell them I'm pissed. Gregg was nice enough to get me iron from Whole Foods they day after Christmas and I've been taking one a day; they're 22 mg.
This morning: As I had never heard back from Primary Medical, I called the medical assistant to find out what dosage I was supposed to take. Finally, after a long wait, I was switched to voice mail. Got a call back in a few minutes from Becky, who airily informed me I should be taking 325 milligrams with vitamin C.! That's a whole hell of a lot different from 22 mg, isn't it?
Now I'm wondering if I should switch from this group to some other doctors. That's a hassle, but I'll mull it over.
Later this morning: Went to CVS for the iron and found only 65 mg; none with vit. c. Asked the pharmacist and she said it is 325--there's a paraenthesis on the label that reads "325 Ferrous Sulfate," but they had none that contains vit C., so I just bought it separately.


iloveac said...

The one a day doesn't have enough for someone with anemia. The office should have asked you what dose you were taking or more specifically told you how much to take.
This kind of piss poor pt instruction is rather common in medicine today. We have to stay on top of things ourselves. God help those who have no clue.

Mimi said...

I couldn't agree more, Pat, but that sloppiness came as a shock to me. I'll be a lot more vigilant from now on.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...