Monday, December 21, 2015

Birthday Party

Had a really fun joint birthday party at Ellen's, hosted by her and her cousins, Betty's daughter and daughter-in-law, Carolyn and Robyn. Got there at the appointed time--noon--before the rest. Ellen's house looked so nice--she had a fire going and various decorative touches here and there. Stephen, Robyn, and Dexter got in from L.A. about the same time Carolyn and little Claire from Santa Barbara did. Dana and Finn came separately in the RV, as we planned to have them come to my place after to get my table. We had a ball talking, laughing, and generally enjoying ourselves because this was family and we have a history and everybody knows who's this and who's that and who believes this and doesn't believe that and it was just us, and what a fabulous family that is.
Food was yummy. Ellen put out cold cuts, pickles and olives, pesto, several kinds of great bread, and all kinds of other sides; Carolyn brought a good pasta salad; Robyn made a fabulous cake that said "Happy Birthday, Mimi and Betty" and had a small volcano in one corner out of which lava spewed. I got a big kick out of that and here's the joke: Robyn had called the night before to ask what kind of cake I wanted, vanilla or chocolate, or no cake, or whatever. Just kidding, I said something that included, "I want a pistachio cake with candied violets and molten lava coming out of the top." Well, darned if she didn't have the lava and the "volcano" was surrounded by violet atolls. The cake tasted great, too. There was Blue Moon for me (El even got an orange for the garnish) and red and white wine for those who indulged, plus soft drinks.
Ellen hadn't forgotten the kids: She had gotten games out for them, and had provided the weird ingredients for making "snow": baking soda and hair moisturizer. This can actually be molded into "snowmen"; luckily, it was warm enough for them to do this on the patio, as the concoction tends to crumble.
Betty and I got nice gifts and exchanged funny cards to each other; we had agreed we wouldn't exchange presents. I did, jokingly, give her the "gift" of arm covers for the living room furniture she had taken off my hands when I moved; they had somehow gotten packed with my stuff when I left Jersey.
We ate and talked until about 4:30, then said goodbye to the L.A.ers and the Santa Barbara contingent, plus Betty, plus Ellen, zipped over to my place for the table. Luckily, they were able to get it out and into the RV without removing the legs; they packed it up and we said goodbye. Ellen stayed long enough to get the antique table over to the dining area and put the T.V. on a small table until we got the rest of the reconfiguration done. I said goodbye to her with many thanks, then called my friend in NM, who had given me a pretty necklace.
It was a fun party and a great day. Today is my actual birthday and I'm not thrilled to be the age I am, but at least, so far, so good, in the physical department--I hope. I'm going to lunch at Yolanda's with the Widdows and Widdowers, which I invited my friend, Nancy, to join. She did and will be there today, too.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...