Saturday, November 14, 2015

Various and Sundry

Housework, chores, and errands day. Gathered up trash, hauled it to the enclosure in my trusty shopping cart (just like Aunt Maggie used to have), got groceries at WinCo, went to the library and P.O., and otherwise addressed everyday stuff. I steeled myself and threw the ship away, as well as piles of paper memorabilia. Thought I'd be melancholy, but far from it, found it liberating.
Made an appointment for therapy (knee and balance) for December 1, two days before getting my blood work done.
Betty called and I got welcome e-mails from the two left behind I miss most: Aline and Marge. I'm still looking for replacements, which I know isn't entirely possible, but I hope at least to find spirits as kindred as possible.
Ellen called. She's finally finished report cards, a major chore, as grading has expanded and no longer simply indicates how children are keeping up with classwork. Now, all kinds of other peripheral behavior is noted, which must be hard to evaluate. She also reminded me I'll be starting my move in just one week--yoicks! I'd better start getting serious about this.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...