Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Unpacking Plus

Went to the last session of "Brain Gym"--which was okay, but not particularly helpful, I think. I talked to the director of the SCAN programs, asking if he had been able to look over my "Acting for Everyone" proposal. He had and said he was "impressed" with my background, but wanted to concentrate on one- or two-session courses, rather than longer ones. Also said he wanted to attract new people, rather than ones who had taken SCAN courses before. Asked if I could submit something that would follow that format. He also said he'd like to have it as soon as possible. I'm not sure I can develop anything effective in two sessions. Maybe I could, but do I really want to go to that much effort for what would surely be an insignificant monetary reward? Mulling it over.
Spent a lot of the rest of the day unpacking, putting away, and preparing donations. I'm determined to rid myself of as much as possible, painful though it sometimes is. I got a lot of the place better straightened out, particularly the kitchen/dining area.
Betty called from Pomona Airport to ask if I could hear the alarm--actually, I couldn't hear it very well. She said it was announced that the doors were stuck or something, but hearing the racket made her nervous about getting on the plane and I don't blame her.
Brother Jim called just to say hello and we had a nice chat. I stopped at the supermarket for raw shrimp and stir-fried that for dinner--delish. Forgot I had taken home some of Monday night's Thai dinner, but will have that for lunch tomorrow.
Ellen called to see how things were going and asked if I'd like to come over early on Thanksgiving to see a DVD called Big Eyes. It's about the artist of those tiresome huge-eyed children that were in vogue forty or so years ago. Sure, I'd love to, but if she can't get it, we'll see the Thanksgiving Day parade. Greg works until 4:30 or so and we'll then pick up his mother and go to Harry's. It's the first time in my life I've gone out for Thanksgiving dinner and I'm looking forward to it as a great adventure.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...