Friday, November 13, 2015

Lunch, Train, Car

Met my new friends from the widows' group, Nancy and Joyce, for lunch at Lure Seafood in town. It's pricey, but worth it; I had sea dabs and sides, which were excellent. I decided on my usual beer (a local brew, which I like to try) and my companions shared a bottle of Chardonnay.
Quick run-down: Joyce was married twice, Nancy thrice, both widowed more recently than I (Nancy's husband died only six months ago), five or six children between them, plus grandchildren and great-grands, in addition to stepchildren, and for all I know, kiddies left on the doorstep. Joyce is having her knee replaced next week and Nancy is a big talker. Neither are conventionally religious, but both seemed to put some credence in astrology, a negative but one I can ignore. Both had had spouses who either drank or were abusive or both, but not the sainted last ones.
Anyway, it was enjoyable in a low-key way. I know I'm still going to be looking for kindred spirits--these ain't them--but I wouldn't mind seeing more of them. Nancy, in particular, asked about going on one of the bus trips the city sponsors and I may very well take her up on it.
We sat and talked for close to two hours, then said goodbye. I then immediately went to the station (really just a stop) nearby and waited until the 2:19 came in. Took pictures which I later sent to that two-year-old train devotee in Tokyo. I was sorry there are no ding-dings, but will try to get some later.
Made an appointment for blood work, called the moving company to make sure they had me down, and took care of similar chores. Went for a 4:00 appointment to get my oil changed and while waiting, heard back from brother, Jim. I had called to ask when his birthday (eighty-ninth) in November is so I could send him a card and found it's actually in February, ha-ha. So good to hear his voice.
I was annoyed to be told my battery is low or high or upside down or something--anyway, needed to be replaced. I didn't think that should be, as I bought the car so recently and I intend to go to the Hertz place and see if they'll cover. Unlikely, but worth a shot.

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