Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Time Warner and Tom Hanks

Time Warner guy came, as promised, at about 10:10. He was here for almost an hour, but I still don't know whether it was my fault, somehow (I was raised Catholic, I automatically think that way) or theirs. I don't care, though, as I wrote down the formula for turning the thing on--oh, yes, you have to press this, then that, and get the right sequence.
I asked him to hook up the DVD, but he said I didn't have the right wires--they include little pointed things. After he left, I took the DVD back to ask for my five bucks back, but the very nice young man at the Goodwill said all I need are the wires and they had them for a buck. He also showed me which ones went where, even getting a marker to label them.
Stopped on my way back at Ralston Courtyard Apartments and was shown a one-bedroom. Boy, oh, boy, is this a nice complex; in fact, it's my new favorite, beating out even Ventura del sol. No bow-wows, of course, very convenient, and with beautiful plantings. It's only five years old AND has a washer and dryer. They had only the smaller one bed to show, but I liked even that. Of course, I still don't know if I'm going to be moving early or not, and if so, when, so looking at all these places doesn't mean a lot. I had a nice chat with the rep--Candy Somebody--who had moved here from Arizona and was very homesick. She gave me her whole bio--almost 50, divorced, four kids, etc.--but far from being impatient, I enjoyed hearing it.
Finished up my application for Cal State U. and sent it off via e-mail and attachments, along with my resume and the blurb from Stockton State. Got a message back, thanking me and saying their winter schedule is filled--I assumed that--but they'd consider me for spring. Okay, too.
I lay down for an hour or so in the afternoon; not sure if I actually napped, but I rested, anyway.
Got a return call from the woman from BCNN for whom I had left a message regarding a poetry group. I might be interested in poetry discussion featuring real poets, but this turned out to be people writing and reciting poetry. I know it's outrageous of me to write it, but I find the vast majority of amateur poetry boring in the extreme. I don't want to sit around and pretend I think it's soulful and meaningful, so I gently declined.
Got an e-mail from the widow group with whom I'll lunch on Monday and I'm definitely looking forward to that. Took a drive about 5:30, as I often do; did at home, too. I start feeling lonely around the dinner hour and this helps a lot.
Now that I actually know how to operate the damn thing, I watched television last night. Came across one of my favorite movies, which I'm convinced never got the recognition it deserved: Catch Me If You Can. Tom Hanks is just the best of the best and Leo is no slouch, either. I think this was overshadowed by subsequent movies--DiCaprio playing Howard Hughes?--but it was such a treat.

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