Friday, September 04, 2015

Busy All Day

Met "Mary"--I never did catch her last name--the activities director at Holiday Retirement Independent Living. She's a dynamo of energy, anything but the professional type, more like Maisie the maid, but she was warm and friendly, and I liked her a lot. We sat down in the Activities Room--a large one where she has her desk, not a private office. I brought and left for her my theatrical resume, a publicity sheet from Stockton State about FELS and my acting course, and an explanatory sheet about my proposal (never assume anyone will remember a word from any meeting under the sun).
As we talked--I was there close to an hour--she continually jumped up to answer questions from residents, direct various visitors, and handle other interruptions. She kept apologizing, but I told her I had all day, which I did, and not to worry about it. I pitched my pitch about the Acting for Everyone course and she was very interested. She didn't balk at the fee I suggested--thought it was reasonable, in fact, and we talked a bit about attendance. Ten participants are ideal, I said, although fifteen would work, too. She asked how few might sign up and I'd still conduct the course--good question--and I said eight. I suggested I conduct an information meeting first--"You took the words right out of my mouth!"--and she asked if I could come on Tuesday, September 8. Sure can, I said, and I told her I'd work up a catchy info sheet by Saturday; Mary said one could be put on each table in the dining room, and they'd be posted on bulletin boards, too. She said she was taking a van of residents to The Flying H. Theatre Group on Sunday and would I like to go? Sure, and I'll meet them there.
That was a good encounter and whether it flies in the end or no, I enjoyed it.
Ellen's school is near there, so I thought I'd drive past it, not go in, of course. However, I got thoroughly lost (it's sort of out in the country), found myself on Route 126 which turns into the dreaded Freeway, got on that, didn't realize I should have taken a particular exit, and found myself all the way in midtown. If I had taken the straight route, I would have been home in twenty minutes; as it was, I drove around for an hour and a half. No matter, I greatly enjoyed it.
Spent some time ironing the bed skirt I bought when I first got here and getting some other household chores out of the way. The darling daughter aforementioned came over after school and helped me put the skirt on, set the t.v. up, got me into g-mail (which I hate with a passion), and put my new license plate on. We'll spend some time over the weekend together, also.
After dinner, finally and at long last, Aline and I got together on the phone. It was about 8:30 for me, 11:30 (!) for her, but happily, she's a little night owl. (She had assured me by e-mail she was always up until midnight and beyond--yet she gets up early, too--go figure.) We had a fine time catching up with each other's lives and are still determined that she'll come for a visit when the time is right.

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