Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Comcast and Bogata

Oh, joy, and happy day! I'm back in the game, electronics-wise, and I'm thrilled. Comcast allowed me back in the e-mail arena, thanks to the world's best neighbor, Frank-Next-Door. Whew!
Also got the landline up and running, so things are good.
Emptied trash--not as simple as it sounds around here--and took not one, but two loads of wash to the laundry place. Divided them and used bleach on the whites; I'll be damned if I'm going to relinquish it.
Spent a lot of time trying to track down a doctor here and will continue tomorrow. AGAIN took the Freeway (and my life in my hands) to Oxnard to take a look at some sleep sofas. Didn't like any I saw, but will continue. Looked further into some possible rentals, including duplexes. I'll see the manager here today and ask if I might be able to swing a shorter lease.
Talked to Betty at some length and was surprised to hear she's decided not to get another car until she moves to California. Her accident the other day totaled hers and her insurance would go up so high, she feels it would be prohibitive. Ouch--I'd hate to be without a car, although living in Ventnor, she does have convenient buses. Her friends will help out, too.
Called my friend in New Mexico and learned they're settling in fine. The moving van came today and they're still engaged in unpacking, sorting out, and putting away. She said they had already gotten library cards--library's only a half mile away--which was one of the first things I did when I moved, too.
Speaking of libraries, the Ventura one in this instance, there's an tech assistant there (probably sixties, white hair below his waist tied in a pony tail) who keeps touting his book Bogata By Bus. Says I should look it up on Amazon (I will one of these days); it's available only on Kindle. Assuming it's a kind of travelogue of his years in that country, last time I was there--at the library, not Bogata--I asked how long he had lived there. Oh, he's never been south of Riverside (CA), he said, but you can find anything out on the Internet.
Fer cryin' out loud! Hey, I'm going to write about my adventures as a Mafia call girl--or no, a pious account of my years in a cloistered convent--scratch that, I'll portray myself as a cross-gendered Korean guy who starts a billion-dollar pork belly business.
Wait, come to think of it, I should check this out before I judge. Will do. BTW, the guy said he's now working on a sequel: Mexico by Motorcycle. Has he ever been...?

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