Sunday, June 14, 2015

Rehearsal Dinner

It's Sunday and the library's closed, so I'll attempt writing via the tablet. Actually, it's not so bad with the solid keyboard attached; it's the virtual one I find very awkward.
Got up to my friend's about 3:00 and helped with a few things until the rest of the company got there in dribs and drabs. Noelle's parents, Joe and Sue, were there,plus Joel's dad,Jack and his wife, Jessie; her daughter, Rachel and her boyfriend, Dan (whose father owns Slocum's Bowling Lanes and bar, well-known in Ewing where we lived for 41 years); Joel's ex, Jen, and her sig. other, Justin; Joel's good friend and his wife and two-year-old, Carl, Diana, and Reina and, of course, the bride and groom-to-be and their four boys.
My friend had borrowed two tents, excellent defense against the sun and we had an enjoyable time chatting, exchanging stories, and feasting. The catered meal of bruchetta, salad, chicken, and pasta was delicious and was topped off by Rachel's scrumptious cupcakes.
I stayed until 6:30 and got home while it was still light. Later this afternoon, I'll drive back up for the actual wedding.
NOTE: Lalks-a-mercy-me, if this isn't a dry and boring account; it strikes me as practically unreadable. In truth, all kinds of hidden ramifications surrounded yesterday's outing, but I'll be damned if I'll put them them out for the world to see.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...