Friday, June 19, 2015

Much Activity

Ron, the moving guy, came at 9:00.  He's the son of the owner of Bekins SeaCure Moving) and Tara McQ.'s brother.  Tara and I go 'way back--she's been active in LETCO for years and directed me in my first performance in Steel Magnolias. More recently, she assisted Desi in directing Hedda.
Ron stayed a good two hours, touring the house, asking questions about what goes and stays, and recording the info.  He brought his little traveling 'puter, plus an incredibly tiny printer with which he printed out several sheets of prices, estimates, and so on.
Too bad he didn't bring a fainting couch.  The tab, if I wanted them to do all the packing, was more than eight thousand clams. Since my friend and I have already packed and dispersed more than half, I think I'll skip that, in favor of them simply moving my stuff.
After Ron left, I jumped in the car and went to Manahawkin to buy boxes and a few other things.  Stopped at Fuggetabout It (yes, that's the name) and got the number of a guy I want to call to either buy, or just get rid of my kitchen set.  At home, I continued my forever job of sorting and packing.
My friend came at 3 and we loaded up my car with items I'll donate to the thrift store. She and I discussed the unfortunate timing: She leaves for New Mexico on Tuesday and doesn't return until June 30.  We're both invited up for Father's Day to Betz and Dale's, but I think I'll beg off, as I'm not anxious to drive that far and back. Besides, it would have been my 57th anniversary and I might want to go to the cemetery; not sure.  
Called the elusive Jeff of Red Barn Antiques, who said he still wants to see my mirror and assured me he'd call me back within a half hour.  I told him about Claire's stuff and he was interested; said when he comes down, he'll go to her place, too.  But darn, wouldn't you know, he hasn't called back yet.  I'll have to chase him down today again.

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