Thursday, June 18, 2015

Good and Not So

Lots of good news and some that isn't.  Started out yesterday at my library haunt to write this blog, then picked up Claire at her house. Took her to Unshredded Nostalgia and, as an antique dealer herself (she has a shop in Galloway), she was wowed, as I knew she'd be.  We explored the crowded, dusty, wonderful old place for a good hour and Claire bought two prettily colored old glasses.
Gee, you can't keep a collector from collecting!  Claire, who is 86, is anxious to move from her house (to Wesley Manor assisted living in Ocean City) and talks a lot about how she's going to donate or sell her large numbers of dolls, early American furniture, and decoys in order to downsize, yet she buys more.  (Hey, I was tempted by a Dionne Quintuplet poster myself.)
After, Claire treated me to lunch at a place across the street and also handed me some cash.  She had sold the dolls I left with her to members of her doll club--a pleasant surprise.  
Took her back to my place for a bit, then my friend came to hook up this little darling. Walter called to ask if he could come over to discuss the possible rental and I took Claire home.  Friend and I sat down with him, asked a few questions, discussed a bit, then I emphatically said, "Yes, I want to accept this person's application to rent my house."  We all just hope and hope her buyers won't insist on a July 1 date, as it's so daunting to contemplate trying to get everything done-and out--by then.  The kicker is that my friend will be away from this Tuesday to the end of the month--aagh!
I called Bekins's SeaCure Moving Co, and the rep will be here at 10 this morning to take a look-see, then give me an estimate. Called
Aline to tell her our planned breakfast today was out, but asked if she was up for ice cream after dinner last night.  She was, and I picked her up for Jeffreeze cones.
The lesser downer?  When I got up from the table after we talked with Walter, I felt a twinge in my right knee and it's been slightly sore ever since.  I'm fervently hoping this isn't a biggie at this stage of the game.
And worse: I was so very sorry to learn via Facebook that my old friend and fellow HSHS graduate, Betty Mae McGlynn Walls, has died.  I talked to her a month or so ago and knew she had developed cancer, but didn't realize she had such little time left. She was always a jaunty type, fun to be with, and I'm sorry she's gone.


Jim Wetzel said...

Good to hear that you've got your house rented. If you don't mind saying, where (generally) are you moving to?

Mimi said...

I'm moving to Ventura, California, near my younger daughter. My older daughter and her husband are moving to New Mexico when he retired in September. I've never been there and will visit, but am not anxious to live there. Sons live in Tokyo and Singapore, so that's not feasible. Family trumps all for me and I don't want to be thousands of miles away from any of my children. I won't live with my daughter, but want to get an apartment nearby. Of course, considering the housing costs there, I may be in a cardboard box under a bridge...

Jim Wetzel said...

Ventura: you surely will have some much-nicer winters!

And there probably won't be a Shop-Rite. But there will be a Ralph's.

Mimi said...

What, no Shop-Rite? I may reconsider the move!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...