Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Our Town" And Atlantic City

I got the part!  Will reprise the role of Mrs. Soames in Our Town, I'm happy to report.  Julie was cast as Mrs. Gibbs, a major part, and Jeanne S. will be the woman who says two lines from the audience (she had had a major part in the LETCO production.)  As we already knew, Rick M. will be the stage manager/narrator, who's on stage the most and has the most lines.  Just got the news that we won't open until spring; just no time to cast and rehearse for an October opening, and Surflight is booked for months after.
Barely got home from LBI when I went next door to Frank's and Barbara's and we started off to Atlantic City.
At the Borgata, Barb and I went to David Venable's cooking show--all set up to see his new cookbook, of course, and that was an incredible 34 bucks; I didn't buy, but Barbara did.  She watches his faithfully, she says, twice a week on QVC.  (It's hard to wrap your mind around that--twice a week?  How bereft must a life be to enjoy watching a slick T.V. personality chop vegetables twice a week?  Yes, I'm a snob, and I admit it--in fact, glory in it.) 
Anyway, it was mildly enjoyable and the seats were comfortable.  We met Frank after and got lunch.  I had a "fatburger," which was actually so thin as to be almost a sliver and had the flavor of old shoe leather.  One of the worse I ever had and with a mediocre small lemonade, it set me back almost ten bucks.  Never again.
We drove over the The Revel, a new casino that's now bankrupt, and parked there.  The parade was fun, although long (three hours), and it had several hold-ups.  Of course, it included the usual flags, floats, and hysterical approval of U.S. military might, which was displayed even more heavily than I had expected.  Took lots of pictures until, to my annoyance, I ran out of battery power.  Forgot the camera even had batteries, but Frank will send me some.
By the time the parade was over, we all had jackets on, as it had gotten chilly.  Went through the casino floor and Frank put twenty bucks in a machine.  He invited first me, then Barb to pull the--oh, I forgot, you just press a button.  We did and won twenty-five over the twenty.  We then left and drove home, stopping first for a late dinner at Romanelli's.
Didn't get home until close to ten and eschewed my wine and popcorn to fall into bed.  Today, I must start cleaning up to get the house in shape for the LETCO meeting tomorrow evening.         

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...