Sunday, September 08, 2013


Well, I blew it.  I foolishly believed what Jeanne S. advised--that the director of Our Town would provide sides, but that wasn't the case.  We had been told to prepare and present a monologue, and I didn't.  Luckily, I had with me the script, but in the form of a small-print book and it was difficult to read, especially on the dim stage.  I hadn't even looked at it since I played Mrs. Soames several years, so I just bumbled through it, and not very competently, either...
Well, enough of that.  I'm consoling myself with the fact that, incredibly, the play opens on September 25th.  That means only two weeks for rehearsals, and it will be a grueling 7 to 10 most nights, held at Surflight, which is about a forty mile round trip.  That means I'm lucky to have done so badly, right?  (Not!)
Got a very welcome Skype call from the Tokyo Twosome, although I hadn't dressed or made up yet and Julie was coming at 9:00, so had to reluctantly cut it somewhat short.  I hope and expect to get very exciting news from them soon.
Julie here, I drove to LBI and we did our thing.  She had brought a monologue from the role she had played, and was asked to remain to read a different part.  I hope she gets in.
Once we were home, she and I sat on my porch with a glass of iced tea and chatted for an hour so or.  Changed clothes and set upon going through boxes in the garage, of which there seem to be an inexhaustible supply.  What a job!  After ruthlessly throwing away as much as I could bear to part with, I jumped in the car and went to Home Depot for containers. 
I'm looking forward to just one day that I don't have something scheduled.  Today will be light, anyway, as I'm just going to "Sunday at the Opera" to see Faust.   

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