Monday, April 22, 2013

Computer Disaster

Oh, woe is me!  I somehow screwed up my graphics while loading a hidden object game and it isn't quite back to normal yet.  Pictures and text suddenly became so huge that a corner of them filled the screen.  Because it's hard to explain clearly exactly the problem, I asked Walter to come over and he was able to modify it a bit so I could at least see it.  However, he has a MAC and seemed unsure about the P.C.  Later got help from darling daughter, Ellen, so it's now readable, but there's no question it isn't as it was.  I know, I know that you can change text size and so on, but I'm convinced that's not the problem--that it's a basic, fundamental change needing some other adjustment.  P. and N. called on Skype before the catastrophe and I sent him an e-mail after asking for a team viewer consult, but I can live with the change for now.
Aside from all that, I spent most of the day in.  Modified my proposed FELS course to a new one to be called "Acting For Everyone," into which I'd incorporate both readings and critiques for those with no experience.  Sent it with my theatre resume to the the president of FELS and will take to the luncheon today.
Late in the day, drove to B.J.'s where I returned the bathing suit I bought last week.  Wanted a larger size, but they didn't have one.  Stopped at Bed, Bath 'N' Beyond and got the scarf hanger I had lusted after a few weeks ago. Need it like a hole in the head, but maybe it will provide the incentive to clean out my closet.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...