Saturday, April 13, 2013


Well, what a terrific mini-vacation!  Here's just a quick synopsis:
Wednesday: Got to A.C. in complete darkness and had an infuriating time trying to find the right place to park in the underground garage, but after that, it was great.  Betty and I entrained and took the pleasant trip to Baltimore.  We were met by a comfortable SUV, driven by nephew Jim along with his parents, my brother, Frank, and his Marybeth.  We hadn't known Jim was in town, so it was a great surprise.  An even better one was the fact that we had no sooner driven up to the Ritz Carlton entrance than brother Jim, driven by his SIL, Paul, blew in.
Wednesday: Settled in to a terrific apartment on the river in the marvelous Ritz (nephew Patrick owes one, where Frank and Marybeth stayed, and rented for us the other). Betty and I had our own suites, plus a full kitchen, dining room, sitting room, large living room, and patio.  Jim, a high-risk obstetrician, took orders and went out to pick up lunch.  (I said he had mised his calling; should have been a personal assisant.)  Of course, we all talked and talked, either in our apartment or theirs.  Later, we went by water taxi to the Marriott across the way and Betty and I treated F. and M. to dinner.
Thursday: Frank and I walked about three miles along the broad brick walk along the harbor at my usual time of 7.  Stopped to pick up bagels and went back to our respective apartments.  Had lunch at theirs, then nephew Jim, Betty, and I went by water taxi to Fort McHenry and explored.   Had time when we got back to shower and changed, then drove to Patrick and Susan's large and beautiful home in the suburbs.  Had a fun and noisy cookout with them, her parents, and their three lively children, aged 4, 3, and almost 2.  Back at the harbor and joined by Patrick, we stayed up talking for hours after.
Friday:  Frank and I walked again and stopped at Panero's for coffee and bagels, which we ate in.  We were caught in a terrific thunderstorm while a mile or more from the Ritz and got in soaked to the skin, but laughing.  Went back to our own places for hot showers and dry clothes; I had to put everything I had on in the dryer, starting with my heavy winter coat.  I still had my soaking wet socks on when Betty asked me to guide her to Frank's apartment, so she could get eggs.  I did so, and going back, slipped and fell on the travertine hallway floor.  Luckily, I wasn't hurt, and was helped up by a doctor and a nurse: Jim and Betty.  We gathered again at the others' next-door apartment.  Susan joined us and much talking and laughing ensued.  We had lunch, said very fond goodbyes, then Susan drove us to the station.
Got back to A.C. about 5:30, as the train was delayed by a half hour wait at the bridge while a ship went down the Delaware.  After another horror--well, annoyance--at the underground garage (exits were blocked for some reason) arrived home safely about 7:00.
What a fabulous trip and wonderful accommodations!  Lucky me to have such a birth family, along with my biological one!  

1 comment:

iloveac said...

A gathering like that is good for the soul...amenities to enjoy and being with folks you love and know so well is tops. I'm going back down to VA for closing on the 23rd. When I get back we'll get together. Hopefully by then, I'll have put everything in its new place.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...