Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Continuing Whirl

Spent the morning making up two batches of "Nana Mix" (Chex with a kick), then took myself to Mays Landing, hitting B.J.'s, a dollar store, The Christmas Tree Shop, Wal-Green's, and Canal's.  I hadn't intended to send cards this year, but found some beauties at B.J.s, so got them.  It's anybody's guess when I'll have time to write them out.
Since I was in the neighborhood (Atlantic County)--well, about twenty miles away--I continued down to Absecon Island.  Stopped at Betty's in Ventnor, but she wasn't home, then took a dry run to Atlantic City.  Easily found the place we'll be going today, then drove home.
Changed and went to Sid S.'s viewing.  It was jammed, mostly with Sunrise Bay people--he was very well liked, and with good reason.  After paying my respects, I chatted with Leslie--we made a tentative date for breakfast on Tuesday--and Susan and Walter, who invited me to The Life of Pi and dinner tomorrow.  Of course, I accepted, but when, oh when, will I be able to fit in cleaning the house for my most-welcome guest, Ellen, and the myriad other chores I need to do?  Well, I'll worry about that later.
The singing club presentation was last night.  Walter is in it, so I went with Susan.  She's on the refreshments committee, and her co-chair, Bessie F., went home from the show sick, so I helped put out the coffee and cookies, serve, and clean up.  Didn't get home until well after 9:00, but that was okay.
An Afternoon of Original Play Readings with Players & Playwrights today!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...