Monday, December 03, 2012

Ladies Who Lunch

Betty and I could be known as "ladies who lunch."  She called early to say I had left my cell phone at her place--it must have fallen out of my pocket--and we agreed to meet at Italian Cuisine.  Did so at 1:30 and we had another nice one.
Before and after and into the evening, I worked on the profile of Mike and Regina B., which came out pretty good.  Started a short separate piece on Mike's book-making (not that kind, though) hobby and took a picture of those he had lent me.  Also scanned the wedding picture they gave me; with the contemporary one I took, that makes three.  Hope the January Breeze has room for all.
Lillian M. called with a reminder that Red Hat Sparklers will meet for lunch (yes, another!) tomorrow at a restaurant in Smithville.  That will work out fine for me, as after, I can continue on to the cemetery and change the bows on the wreaths.
Always-welcome Skype calls from the Tokyo Twosome and darling daughter, Ellen, bracketed the day.  However, I still haven't been able to connect with the guy who I hope will find me less expensive insurance; will call him again.
 Luckily, I have today free, so will tweak the articles, send to the subjects and, I hope, have time to remove the Thanksgiving/autumn decorations and put up some Christmas ones.   

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...