Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The mulch is in!
Or on. I had to weed a fair amount first, but we finished up by 4:30 or so, I'm happy to say. My visitor also dug up two Black-Eyed Susan plants from Barb H., who said I could have some. They tend to spread a lot, as the Montauk Daisies do; my visitor planted them in the back.
Frank came over at 7:00 and we read lines; I took George's part. It's funny how, try as I did, I couldn't really say them the way a man would. Spent time talking over the acting company, too. I've pretty much decided I'm NOT going to take over the murder mystery thing. Just too much to do, plus I want to audition for Moon Over Buffalo, which will run in late September and early October, plus--just in case it comes up, I want to be available for travel. There are other reasons, too, but I don't want to elaborate on them now.
Going to the lavender farm today with Barb H., Susan, and Kathy D.
WIDER: Here's a wonderful essay called "The Midas Touch: Stomachs Too Big To Fail" by Lewis Lapham. It's about food and the idiotic extremes we've been going to in order to promote it in the consumer society.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...