Thursday, June 02, 2011

Got to the Tuckerton Seaport about 10:00 to meet with Director of Operations Regina P., who introduced me to Brooke S., development director. She filled me in on the murder mystery show they want the theatre company to do at the Engleside Inn in Beach Haven. It's a fund-raiser for the seaport and probably a good idea for us. Problem's a hell of a lot of work and Desi wants me to head it up. I sent e-mails to the executive committee to see if they wanted to do it and apparently, they do. Desi said Frank will help me. What bothers me is that this is scheduled for October 29 and I wanted to audition for Moon Over Buffalo, which we're doing in September...
But here's another twist, about which I'm not too happy: I met Ellen V. for dinner at Applebee's last night and during the course of our conversation, she mentioned that she'll be away when auditions are scheduled for Buffalo. But, she said, "Desi said he's not too hung up on auditions, anyway." Now this leads me to think she's going to be handed the part of the grandmother. She performed it before in her other theatre group, but so what? Desi shouldn't just decide to give her the part over anybody else, especially before a reading.
Well, the sorrows of show biz...
Susan was over for an hour or so to work on the picture board for Walter's surprise birthday party. I galvanized myself to select pictures for my own project and before I met Ellen, got them duplicated at Staple's. It's shaping up nicely.
Lunch in Haddonfield with Betty and others today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...