Friday, May 27, 2011

Was annoyed with myself for going over to Pat L.'s at 1:00 and interrupting her lunch. I had 1:30 on the calendar and just forgot to check. However, she was very gracious about it and made me a cup of tea while she ate. I told her that knitting probably isn't for me and she's okay with that, too. I might take it up later--unlikely--and at least, I know the mechanics of it now. With that out of the way, we had a good conversation and got to know each other better. I want to have her over for lunch next week and will call her.
Finished packing and getting things arranged for when I'm away. Talked to Marge, whose condition seems to be about the same. I hope things improve for her and Fred sooner rather than later.
Called cousin Marifran in Cincinnati and we caught up with all our doings. She and daughter Ilona are going to the U.K. in September--it would be nice if they could meet up with son Mike, who will be there then.
Went to rehearsal last night and Frank and George, my two actors, "read" several times. They're pretty good and will get better as they get into the roles. I wish,though, that this one-act play thing--two of them, actually--was better organized. They were originally going to be on June 25 (when I won't be here) and July 9, when I will, but now there's some question whether both dates will be kept. George can't be here on the ninth, so I'll have to get somebody else for that date, and it seems we still don't have a full program. Oh, well, I guess it'll work out.
This will probably be my last entry until I get back on Monday or maybe, Tuesday. Goin' up north to see my boy and his girl and their boys, six or more hours of traveling, but so what, I'm on my way--yay!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...