Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Met Flo, Barbara, and Rita at The Golden Corral--dumb name--for lunch. It's a buffet restaurant and the cheap ones aren't usually my favorites, for a variety of reasons, including the temptation to overeat. However, the food wasn't bad, as these things go, and I pretty much stuck to Atkins: Had meat, fish, and a small salad. Skipped the dessert section.
The others were going on to a movie after, but I decided not to. I see these women only once a year at Flo and Joe's annual Christmas party, and we get along fine. Yesterday, though, it occurred to me that we have little in common except a shared background--Holy Spirit High School and Absecon Island. They seemed a bit befuddled-old-ladyish to me, although they're only a few years older than I am. With great interest, they discussed a dancing program on t.v. with Kirstie Alley, mentioning how they "didn't like" somebody or other, because he had such an attitude. They seemed a little shocked when I mentioned the people may have been coached to project a certain stance. "But why?" asked Barbara. "Well," I responded, "We're talking about it now, aren't we? It gets attention." Oh, well, it was mildly enjoyable and I may go another time.
After, stopped at Produce Junction for lettuce and eggs. Couldn't resist a pretty little plant with purple flowers, which I put in the hallway. Got home and assembled a big salad--I'll leave some for Marge's family--and made a few calls. Bestirred myself to start a piece on pets for the July issue of the paper. Called Pat L. and we postponed my knitting lesson to tomorrow.
Dressed again and went next door to Frank's for the Irish-American Club thing. Barbara wasn't feeling well, so didn't go, We picked up Desi and drove to Absecon.
The presentation was okay, but not as good as the Irish tenor one. It consisted of a grad student from Stockton reading his own script and protraying Brendan Behan at the end of his life. Desi said it was about a half hour too long, and Frank and I agreed. Had a glass of wine, then we left. The evening was more enjoyable when Frank, Desi and I discussed future productions of the theatre company. We drove home in the driving rain.
Will be with Marge today while Fred has his procedure.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...