Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I wanted to show Susan some porch furniture Naomi had bought, so we stopped on our walk to see it. Not realizing there was a step, I fell--on the same (right) knee I had in Tokyo. Luckily, aside from two large abrasions, there seems to be no damage.
Joined the other four of the editorial staff to have our picture taken for the June issue of The Breeze. This is to commenmorate the first anniversary of the paper; the picture is meant to be humorous.
Went practically everywhere in the universe looking for something to wear to the luncheon tomorrow. No luck except at Hamilton Mall, where I picked up a lacy overthing (yes, that's what it's called, an "overthing"). I'll wear a top I already have under it.
After, I stopped at the cemetery. Was steamed to see somebody had removed the three shells from Pat's grave. They didn't interfere with mowing; they were leaning against the headstone, so why in the world--? Was further annoyed when I stopped by Jay's grave and found the stones forming a heart on the stone had been removed. Will call the cemetery today to ask about the two removals.
Got a call last night from my friend, Libby, to tell me her husband is on hospice, and probably won't last the night. She talked and talked and talked and I listened and listened and listened. Not much to say except "I understand."

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...