Sunday, October 03, 2010

Took two huge boxes to the recycle place and the nice guys there dumped the contents into a big bin, preparing for the shredder. That's the end of the records I've been saving for no good reason, including a lot of doctor, V.A., and Medicare stuff of Pat's. The only things I didn't toss are income tax returns from the last seven or eight years along with supporting documents, but I know I need to keep only three years past, so I'll probably get rid of much of those, too.
It's so liberating to get rid of things! I want to do the same to the multitude of "stuff" I have in this house--stuff I couldn't live without until I had them and, after the first fine glow of ownership, never gave a thought. Such is life, I guess.
The October issue of The Breeze came yesterday, and looks darn good. I'm glad I decided to shorten the profile piece. Have some further ideas for the next issue and will also call the N.'s, the first people to move to Sunrise Bay.
No plans for today, but will meet Ellen V. for lunch tomorrow.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...