Saturday, October 09, 2010

Spent the morning back at the dentist's. The technician, Danielle, filed and smoothed and adjusted and advised and the upshot is, the things seem better. From there, went directly to Manahawkin to Staples and Shop-Rite, so didn't get home until 2:00. After lunch, loaded up the car with flea market stuff. I hope some of it sells, if only because I don't feel like hauling it back home again.
Annoyed with myself because when I got home, I realized I had left my jacket fifty-five miles away at the dentist's. Called and asked if they'd send it to me.
Put the finishing touches on several articles for The Breeze. Watched another segment of The Producers. Very funny and, I assume, faithful to the Broadway production.
I was busy all day, but reading the above, it doesn't look like it.


iloveac said...

It doesn't look like you were busy?...geez Rosemary 55 miles to the dentist and back again for the flea market? You were very busy by most folks standards...just not doing enjoyable stuff. Glad you got the teeth adjusted.

Mimi said...

Actually, Pat, I just selected stuff and loaded the car for the flea market; that was today (Saturday).


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...