Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Picked up a few last-minute items at Acme and finished cleaning up. Now I just have to do the cooking for my little dinner party tonight.
I was absolutely determined not to rush the season by decorating so early for Christmas, but that resolution, like my New Year ones, I'm afraid, went by the boards. I love pointsettias and, as noted earlier, succumbed to four small ones from Shop-Rite. Well, yesterday I saw beautiful large pointsettias in my favorite brilliant red for five bucks at Acme. Could I resist? Didn't even try. The plant Mike gave Pat in early August had finally given up the ghost, so now a pointsettia is gracing the foyer.
That done, I thought it wouldn't hurt to go a little further. I removed the little girl scarecrow and pumpkins from around the tree the front, hung a Christmas wreath on the front door, and put my flickering "candles" in the windows. Thought it needed a bit more, so now my soft Santas are reclining on the wicker on the porch.
AAGH! I decorated for Chistmas! And in November! After I swore I wouldn't!
I have no character, that's all.
WIDER: You don't have to listen to the POTUS tonight. The awesome Arthur Silber, as ever, has encapsulated what O. is going to say--only O. is going to say it in several thousand words with an earnest, forthright, but thoughtful mien and a solemn nod first to the almighty. Here's the word according to Arthur:
"As I've said before about Iraq, and this is also true of Afghanistan: We. Are. Not. Leaving."
There's a lot more at his http://powerofnarrative.blogspot.com/, all profoundly well-thought-out, simple, and true. I wish Aruthur's writings would be taught in every classroom in the country as an antidote to the lies from our "leaders" that kids are fed from Kindergarten on.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...