Friday, December 11, 2009

Doris H., who lives a block from me, took me to lunch yesterday. She has COPD and I was pleased to give her those of Pat's medication that she could use. Being with someone with a portable oxygen machine was all too familiar with me. However, she's much less infirm than Pat was at the end--could walk fairly briskly into the restaurant and so on. Had a nice time. I took half my Caesar salad home for dinner, then prepared to go to EuroColor for my hair. Got color and a trim. Gave my hairdresser (geez, that sounds like, "my valet" or "my maid"!), Eileen, a card with cash. I never thought I'd see the day I'd spend so much on my hair, but it looks so good, it's worth it. Eileen, who was a makeup artist for actors, told me about "Sherlock Holmes Week" in Cape May and asked if I might like to go with her. This isn't until March and I accepted with enthusiasm. I'll see her professionally before then, anyway.
Going on the Tuckerton Christmas Tour today with Barb H., Pat G., and Susan.
WIDER: The admirable Justin Raimondo, in "The Afghan Experiment" on Anti-War.Com writes that, in view of Obama's "Peace" Prize, we've been knocked into an "alternate universe":
"According to my theory – which I think has since been proved many times over – the sheer force of those planes ploughing into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon knocked the very structure of the space-time continuum off-kilter. This momentous shift plunged us into an alternate universe – Bizarro World – where up is down, war is peace, and soldiers deployed in the service of "regional peacekeeping" – such as Obama’s Afghan escalation – are "wagers of peace," as the President put it in his Nobel speech."
Yes, indeed--and see my entry of December 8 below on "General Edgeways" remarks in "It Can't Happen Here," which include:
"For the first time in all history, a great nation must go on arming itself more and more, not for conquest--not for jealousy--not for war--but for peace...."
Bizarro World is right, Justin.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...