Friday, August 29, 2008

Staffed the Food Pantry (not "Food Bank," which denotes a central distribution site) with Leslie yesterday, and greatly enjoyed it.
The Pantry is a joint project of the churches in Tuckerton and Leslie goes as a member of First Presbyterian.
We had about ten drop-ins, a few elderly, others with young children in tow. One woman, who looked to be in her late fifties, is raising five grandchildren. She had three with her: a 3-year-old and twins about seven, all beautiful little girls; she mentioned two older grandsons. It was so nice to provide her with help and chat with her, but the task she's taken on is mind-boggling.
The Pantry is open weekdays from 2 to 4, and Leslie, along with our mutual neighbor, Barbara D., covers once a month. Barb wasn't able to be there yesterday, so I went. Told Leslie I'd be glad to fill in when needed.
Remotely donating money or goods to charity is fine, but it's so much more satisfying to deal face-to-face with fellow humans. We could easily be in their shoes, as Leslie and I agreed yesterday, and I want never to forget that.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...